What is a good healing addon for WoW?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is a good healing addon for WoW?

The best WoW Healing Addons for Retail and Classic

  • Boss mods. Finding a Bossmods tool you like is an amazing feature.
  • Clique. Clique is an addon that has so much potential for healers.
  • Decursive.
  • Grid2.
  • Quartz.
  • Vuhdo.
  • Weak Auras.

How do I set up mouseover macros?

To do so you add a 2nd target case.

  1. /use [@mouseover, exists] spell. to cast the spell on whatever your cursor is pointing at.
  2. /use [@mouseover, exists] spell; spell. the 2nd spell might be something totally different, if its the same you will use it on your currently selected target or use default targeting behaviour.

What is a mouseover target?

6y. Basically, a mouseover macro is a macro that casts a spell when you press it, but instead of casting on your target, it casts on the ally or enemy that your mouse is over. This works whether you are hovering your mouse over the target itself or its party/enemy list bars, or even the target/focus bars.

What does mouse over mean in wow?

A mouseover macro is a series of commands that lets you press a single button (on either your keyboard or your mouse) to heal the target that your mouse pointer is currently hovering over. It replaces tab or click targeting as a quick way to pick up heal targets.

Do mouseover macros work in TBC Classic?

Mouseover healing macro You can bind most of your healing spells to a simple mouseover macro without too much trouble. This helps when you need to cast a particular ability but don’t want physically to target the unit. Due to help,nodead it will only cast the spell if the target is friendly and alive.

Is clique a mouseover?

Clique is very similar to mouseover macros, however it is a bit easier to set up, assign keys and buttons functions to, and can have saved profiles for different set ups or for different specs (i.e. PVP vs PVP).

Does clique work on nameplates?

You can still use Clique assuming you click on raidframes and not nameplates. Nameplates are just the things that hover over people.

What is Heal bot?

Healbot can mean one of the following. A self-deprecating slang term used by healing classes (Priest, Druid, Paladin, Monk, and Shaman) to imply that the only thing they get to do in a group is heal over and over again.

Is there a mouseover healing addon for World of Warcraft?

If u mean click healing, Healbot is ur friend, u can bind differnet heals under differnt clickbindings, holy light left mouse, divine middle, holy shcok shift left mouse ans so on They wanted a mouseover healing addon though, not a clickblinding addon.

Are there mouseover macros for click to heal addons?

Mouseover macros with a good mmo mouse is the best performance I have managed to get after over 15 years of healing using all sorts of different control methods. The idea is that I have all my heals bound to the the top 9 buttons on the side of my mouse as well as Q and E. The most common are bound on the ones I rest my fingers on.

Which is the best mouse over healing addon?

As far as I know, the only way to achieve mouse over healing is with mouse over macros. I’m not sure it is actually possible to create an addon for such functionality. Vudho is hands-down the most powerful healing addon one could possibly use. Everything (literally) is customizable and nothing else comes close to its feature set.

Is there a click to heal addon in Wow?

For grid healing, nothing changes, its like using rotas as a DD. For virtual world healing its great as well. I have healbars open and can react to encounters. Long time i didn’t heal but i would see if someone will be covered in flames and will die before he can run out, simply by looking to the encounter and starting mousover healing him.

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