What is cranking in reinforcement bars?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is cranking in reinforcement bars?

Crank is a slight bending in bars at the lap so that maintains the clear cover even at the lap position. The rule that is generally practiced is that the slope of crank 1:10 & minimum length of crank 300 mm.

How are crank bars measured?

what is cutting length?

  1. clear span = 4000mm.
  2. development length. We have to development length in two sides of column which will be provided in beam. Development length=2Ld.
  3. inclined length =0.42H. We have to inclind length of bent Up Bar in both sides so total incline length is equal to.
  4. bend elongation.

What is 0.42 D crank bar?

Here, the bent-up part of the crank bar is named “side ac”. When we add a clear span in the calculation, we already include the length of side bc and side cb in it and we have to take an extra remaining length of the side ac by deducting side bc from it. So, that is what 0.42D stands for in the cutting length formula.

Why crank bars are used in slab reinforcement?

Cranked bars / Bent up bars are provided on top of the reinforcement to resist negative bending moment/Hogging at the supports of the slab. To resist the shear force at the supports. To reduce the risk of a brittle failure of slab-column connection.

What is difference between Main Bar and distribution bar?

Distribution bars placed on top of the main bar. Main Reinforcement bars are placed in shorter direction and Distribution bars placed in longer span direction. Main Reinforcement Bars are used to transfer the bending moment developed at the bottom of the slab.

What is Lap length in reinforcement?

If length of a bar is not enough to keep the reinforcement, we have to lap two steel bars. Normally, lapping position is at where near the minimum shear force is acting. Normally lap length is 50D meaning 50 times the bar diameter if both bars are of same diameter.

How is bar bend length calculated?


  1. Inclined Length = D/(sin 45°) – dD/ (tan 45°)
  2. = (D/0.7071) – (D/1)
  3. = (1D – 0.7071D)/0.7071.
  4. = 0.42 D.

Which crank length is right for me?

So in simple terms and assuming we all have similar proportions we could use our 172.5mm cranks and 1.778m height to suggest crank lengths should be 9.7% of our height….Crank Arm Lengths.

Height Crank Length(cm)
5’9″(1753mm) 170mm
5’7″ (1702mm) 165mm
5’5″ (1651mm) 160mm

Which bars are called main bars in slab?

Stronger dimension bar is used as main bar. In one way slab, the slab is supported by beams on the two opposite sides where main reinforcement bar is provided.

Why reinforcement is provided in top layer of slab?

Distribution bars placed on top of the main bar. Main Reinforcement Bars are used to transfer the bending moment developed at the bottom of the slab. Distribution Bars are used to hold the slabs on either way and to resist the cracks and shear stress developed at the top.

How is lap reinforcement calculated?

2. Lap length in Tension

  1. Class A Splice: Lap Length ls = 1.0 ld.
  2. Class B Splice: Lap Length ls = 1.3ld.
  3. ls = 0.0005fy (d) ; [ For fy less than or equal to 60,000psi]
  4. ls = (0.0009fy – 24)d; [ For fy > 60,000 psi]

What are the names of the reinforcement bars?

Reinforcing bars are generally designated as B6,B8,B10,B12,B16,B20,B25,B32 and B40, although B40 is not generally used. This is generally due to procurement and that the bending radius of the bar and required lap/anchcorage length can make it impractical in designs.

What are the tolerances for reinforcing bars in concrete?

 Concrete Structures and Construction  • Reinforced Concrete 5100 • Prestressed Concrete 5200 • Reinforcing Bars Reinforcing Details olerances 5300   , • Concrete Containments, Modular Construction& 5400Mass Concrete 5500• Durability, NDE & Masonry BMA Engineering, Inc. – 5000 1 5300.  Reinforcing Bars, Reinforcing Details & Tolerances

What should the characterstic strength of a reinforcement table be?

The bars are not smooth but have raised ribs on the surface which improves the bond between the concrete and steel. The characterstic strength for high yield reinforcement is f y k = 500 N / m m 2 Shear reinforcement is often required in concrete beams but not always needed in lightly loaded floor slabs or pad foundations.

Why are crank bars provided in slabs, beams?

As you can see from the pic, the stress will deflect the beam at the bottom centre. This incident creates a positive moment (sagging) at the mid of the base and negative moment (Hogging) at the top of the support. Bottom reinforcement bars are provided to resist the positive (sagging) moment developed in reinforced concrete.

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