What school district is Monticello MN in?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What school district is Monticello MN in?

Independent School District 882
Monticello School District are the schools in Independent School District 882, serving the city of Monticello in the US state of Minnesota and surrounding area (townships of Clearwater, Monticello, and Silver Creek).

How many schools are in Monticello MN?

For the 2021-22 school year, there are 8 public schools serving 4,168 students in Monticello Public School District. This district’s average testing ranking is 9/10, which is in the top 20% of public schools in Minnesota.

When was Monticello MN high school built?

September 1999
The current high school was constructed in the late ‘1990s by architects Rego and Youngquist and officially opened in September 1999….Monticello High School (Minnesota)

Monticello High School
Established September 1999
School district Monticello School District
Principal Mike Carr

What is the zip code for Monticello Minnesota?

Monticello/Zip codes

What is Burnsville MN ZIP code?

Burnsville/Zip codes

What’s the zip code for Rogers Minnesota?

Rogers/Zip codes

Where is the zip code 55306?


Zip Code 55306 is located in the state of Minnesota in the Minneapolis – Saint Paul metro area. Zip code 55306 is primarily located in Dakota County. The official US Postal Service name for 55306 is BURNSVILLE, Minnesota.

What is Maple Grove MN ZIP code?

Maple Grove/Zip codes

What is Blaine’s zip code?

Blaine/Zip codes

What is Willmar zip code?

Willmar/Zip codes

What is the zip code of Aklan?

Aklan ZIP Code

Location ZIP Code Phone Area Code
Ibajay 5613 36
Kalibo 5600 36
Lezo 5605 36
Libacao 5602 36

Who is the superintendent of Monticello School District?

Michael Favor, former Interim Superintendent in ISD 882 and current Assistant Superintendent for Roseville Area Schools, joins to discuss humanity in education. Listen here! Join us at ISD 882! Why Monticello School District? Let us count the ways! To register for Monticello School District, please visit here!

When is kindergarten registration for Monticello School District?

Kindergarten Registration is Open! Attention all incoming Kindergarten families! Online registration for the 2021-22 school year opened on March 3rd! Eastview Education Center and Monticello School District are thrilled to present a virtual kindergarten registration experience this year.

How to contact Monticello public schools human resources?

Thank you for your interest in employment with Monticello Public Schools. Our district employment opportunities include openings for certified and non-certified staff positions. For additional information, please contact Human Resources.

What do you need to know about Monticello High School?

Lunch Menus! MHS debuts art website! Monticello High School art teachers have created a new website to showcase student work, as well as explain the various courses and offerings available to MHS students! Bookmark the website and visit it throughout the year to check out the immense creativity and talent of Monticello students!


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