Are you supposed to put thinset under Hardibacker?
Are you supposed to put thinset under Hardibacker?
It will make an enormous mess under the house (or whatever is under your bathroom). It is also more likely to make the floor uneven since it is hard to level thinset that is separated by gaps. The installation manual for HardieBacker suggests to embed it in thin-set and it should be installed over plywood.
Can I use thinset on cement board?
Embed the cement board in latex-modified thin-set mortar The main reason for using thin-set between the cement board and the subfloor isn’t as much for bonding as it is for even, void-free cement board support throughout the floor. Then spread thinset mortar with the flat side of a 1/4-in.
Can you use 1/4-inch cement board on floors?
Floors: A 1/4-inch minimum thickness is needed, but thicker panels are also fine. Walls: Use 1/2-inch or 5/8-inch-thick cement board, not 1/4-inch. The extra thickness is needed when spanning the studs and it provides a solid base for the tile.
Which is better durock or Hardibacker?
Durock is too abrasive and can damage vinyl, porcelain, and enamel. HardieBacker does not contain any course materials, so it is the preferable choice. It has a warranty that extends over the use of vinyl tile applications. Durock does not.
Can I put thinset on plywood?
Use Thinset With a Higher Latex Content Thinset is the wet base that you first trowel on the plywood to make the tile stick. Higher latex content is essential for bonding to plywood. A quality unmodified thinset should be used and mixed with a latex additive.
Does Hardibacker need to be waterproofed?
Hardiebacker (James Hardie): the use of a waterproof membrane, vapor barrier or vapor. retarding membrane is optional unless the local building code requires it.
Can Hardibacker get wet?
It’s not waterproof but it will not disintegrate or lose its strength when wet. You should allow it dry thoroughly, however, before using it.
Which is the best thinset to use for backer board?
Backer board:For backer board on floors, specifically cement board and fiber cement boards (think Hardibacker), it’s my understanding that it doesn’t matter which thinset you use. The thinset doesn’t need to bond to the plywood. Instead it’s part of a system with the fasteners.
How much thinset do you put under hardibacker?
Also Know, how much thinset do you put under Hardibacker? This is probably because at one time the installation instructions for Hardibacker called for 3/32″ inch of thinset underneath. Currently, Hardibacker calls for either 1/4″ thinset, or 5/32″ mastic underneath. I always use 1/4″ trowel for all my underlayment and 3/8″ for almost all my tile.
Can you use Hardiebacker cement board for tile?
HardieBacker Cement Board can be used with nearly any kind of tile, whether ceramic, porcelain, or natural stone. 1. Wipe the surface of your HardieBacker Cement Board clean with a damp sponge. 2. Spread the modified thinset with a notched trowel appropriate for the size of tile you are installing. 3.
Can you put Hardie backer over vinyl flooring?
On existing floors: • HardieBacker ® cement board may be installed under or over Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT) and other resilient flooring. For best results, remove existing floor covering, especially if it is in poor condition. • If installing HardieBacker cement board over existing floor, ensure the floor is flat