What is Open Space method?
What is Open Space method?
“Open Space” is a technique for running meetings where the participants create and manage the agenda themselves. Sessions can be for between five to 2000 plus people (providing you have a big enough venue). This method is ideal if you want participants to gain ownership of an issue and come up with solutions.
What is open space workshop?
Open space workshops provide a highly democratic framework for enabling any group of people to create their own programme of discussions on almost any theme without much preparation.
What are the four principles of Open Space Technology?
The four principles are: Whoever comes are the right people….Any situation in which there is:
- A real issue of concern.
- Diversity of players.
- Complexity of elements.
- Presence of passion (including conflict)
- A need for a quick decision.
How does open space technology work?
Open Space Technology (OST) is a method for organizing and running a meeting or multi-day conference, where participants have been invited in order to focus on a specific, important task or purpose.
What is the rule of two feet?
The Law is the so called Law of Two Feet, which states simply, if at any time you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing – use you two feet and move to some place more to you liking.
How do we use open space?
Open space provides recreational areas for residents and helps to enhance the beauty and environmental quality of neighborhoods….Open space can include:
- Green space (land that is partly or completely covered with grass, trees, shrubs, or other vegetation).
- Schoolyards.
- Playgrounds.
- Public seating areas.
What are the effects of shortage of open space?
In his experiments, 54% of child population showed signs of mental problems such as slow emotional development, anxiety, depression, and loss of attention & self control due to lack of outdoor play spaces.
Which is more real — the number two or my two feet?
Some philosophers say that the number 2, being an abstract object, exists necessarily (i.e., in all possible circumstances), whereas your two feet exist only contingently (i.e., in some but not all possible circumstances).
What is the law of two?
The Rule of Two was a creed embodied by two Sith Lords—a master and an apprentice. The Rule of Two was a Sith philosophy established by Sith Lord Darth Bane in order for the Sith to operate in secret and eventually get revenge on the Jedi Order, following their near annihilation in the Jedi-Sith War.
Why do we need an open space workshop?
Open space workshops provide a highly democratic framework for enabling any group of people to create their own programme of discussions on almost any theme without much preparation. They are particularly useful for dealing with general policy issues, for generating enthusiasm and for dealing with urgent issues needing quick action.
How is open space a scalable facilitation method?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Open Space Technology is a highly scalable and adaptable facilitation method to enable all kinds of people, in any kind of organisation, to create inspired meetings and events. It relies strongly on self-organisation of the group of participants.
What can open space technology be used for?
Open Space Technology is useful in almost any context including strategic direction setting, envisioning the future, conflict resolution, morale building, consultation with stakeholders, community planning, collaboration and deep learning about issues and perspectives. There is a real issue of concern with a need for a quick decision.
What are the four principles of open space?
The four principles are: The Law is known as the Law of Two Feet: ”If you find yourself in a situation where you are not contributing or learning, move somewhere where you can.” The four principles and the law work to create a powerful event motivated by the passion and bounded by the responsibility of the participants.