What are the dimensions of an antique clawfoot tub?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What are the dimensions of an antique clawfoot tub?

An average size vintage clawfoot tub is 60 inches long. However, smaller clawfoot tubs come 53 inches long and larger ones are 72 inches long. The most common widths are 20-30 inches. It is possible, though, to buy a clawfoot tub that is 38 inches wide.

What is the smallest size clawfoot tub available?

Smallest Clawfoot Tub. With diminutive dimensions of 31-1/2″ L X 18-1/4″W X 14″ H and 11 gallon water capacity, the Barclay Picasso 32” Double Roll Copper Clawfoot Tub is currently the smallest clawfoot tub that we sell.

How do you measure a clawfoot tub?

Many claw foot and stand-alone tubs are rounded or peaked in the center of the tub on each side, so be sure to stand in the tub itself and measure the distance from the peak on one end to the peak on the other. Measure to the outside lip of the tub to make sure you get the most accurate measurement.

How much space is needed for a soaking tub?

As you plan the location for your tub, remember that designers recommend the free space in front of the tub should be a minimum of 60 inches long and 30 inches wide, to allow users to safely enter and exit the tub.

Are clawfoot tubs hard to get in and out of?

You’re short. Freestanding baths are harder to get in and out of: there are no walls to hold onto, they can be deeper, and footed tubs are raised an additional several inches off of the floor.

Can two people fit in a claw foot tub?

How many people can fit into a Clawfoot tub? On average, two large people can fit into a clawfoot bathtub, but there are more personal sized clawfoot tubs that are meant to house just one individual bather.

Are clawfoot tubs worth it?

Since these tubs were originally designed to adorn the lavish bathrooms of the social elite, on average they’re worth a few thousand dollars (in good condition). Tubs that bear the manufacturers’ markings of historic companies like Crane, Mott, Kohler, Standard Sanitary Manufacturing, and L.

How much is a clawfoot tub worth?

The average all-in cost of a vintage clawfoot tub is $2,850. This includes the tub, refinishing, hardware and installation. Likewise, the all-in average cost for an acrylic clawfoot is $2,250.

Can 2 people fit in clawfoot tub?

The double slipper clawfoot tub is the most luxurious looking of all two-person bathtubs. Picture a double-ended slipper tub filled with effervescent bubbles, scented candles, champagne, you and your favorite companion. A tub roomy enough for two adults will need to be at least 30 inches wide.

How far should a clawfoot tub be from the wall?

between 15-18 inches
How far should the distance be between freestanding tub and wall? The distance between your tub and wall should be between 15-18 inches or at least 1 foot.

What is the best material for a clawfoot tub?

Clawfoot tubs were originally made from cast iron and coated with porcelain. Modern technology has paved the way for clawfoot tubs made from acrylic, wood, fiberglass and other materials. These are cheaper compared to models made from cast iron.

What is the smallest size tub?

The smallest tubs are typically around 36 inches by 32 inches, with some variations. These tubs have all the basic features of a walk-in tub, but are designed to fit into tight spaces.

What is the size of standard bath tub?

The standard tub size is usually not more than 30 inches across and around 50 to 60 inches long. The standard tub depth is generally 14 to 20 inches.

What is foot tub?

Slipper tub. The clawfoot tub or claw-foot tub was considered a luxury item in the late 19th century, originally made from cast iron and lined with porcelain. Modern technology has contributed to a drop in the price of clawfoot tubs, which may now be made of fiberglass, acrylic or other modern materials.

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