What is a transit oriented community?
What is a transit oriented community?
The Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Incentive Program encourages the construction of affordable housing near bus and train stations. The new units generated by the TOC incentives provide convenient options for low-income residents, add to the City’s housing stock, and promote alternatives to car travel.
What is considered transit oriented development?
Transit-oriented development, or TOD, includes a mix of commercial, residential, office and entertainment centered around or located near a transit station. Dense, walkable, mixed-use development near transit attracts people and adds to vibrant, connected communities.
What are the benefits of transit oriented development?
The benefits of TOD include better mobility, reduced car traffic, reduced household spending on transportation, healthier lifestyles, lower pollution, higher foot-traffic for commercial businesses and decreased suburban sprawl. High-speed rail factors into the trend as well.
What is transit oriented hub?
Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a planning and design strategy that consists in promoting urban development that is compact, mixed-use, pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly, and closely integrated with mass transit by clustering jobs, housing, services, and amenities around public transport stations.
What is a Tier 3 TOC?
Tier 3 – Required parking for all residential units in an Eligible Housing Development shall not exceed 0.5 spaces per unit; ii. Tier 4 – No required parking for residential units in an Eligible Housing Development.
What is a density bonus in California?
The Density Bonus Law (found in California Government Code Sections 65915 – 65918) provides developers with powerful tools to encourage the development of affordable and senior housing, including up to a 50% increase in project densities for most projects, depending on the amount of affordable housing provided, and an …
Is transit oriented development Good?
BENEFITS OF TOD -Transit can enable a city to use market forces to increase densities near stations, where most services are located, thus creating more efficient subcenters and minimizing sprawl. -Transit enables a city to be more corridor-oriented, making it easier to provide infrastructure.
What is transit oriented demand?
TOD, is a land use solution that focuses on enhancing accessibility, by encouraging compact, high density and mixed-use development, within an easy walk of a transit station.
Why is TOD needed?
TOD increases the accessibility of the transit stations by creating pedestrian and Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) friendly infrastructure that benefits large number of people, thereby increasing the ridership of the transit facility and improving the economic and financial viability of the system.
What does TOC stand for in real estate?
Transit Oriented Communities. Affordable Housing Incentive Program. Guidelines (TOC Guidelines)
What is density bonus?
The density bonus is one of several voluntary incentives available for affordable housing development in NSW. “Affordable housing inclusion can be mandated when land is rezoned for residential development, when planning rules are varied for particular projects, or following significant infrastructure investment.”
How do you calculate bonus density?
- Calculate Base Density. Base Density is the lot area divided by the maximum lot area per unit permitted under existing density regulations (e.g. one unit per 400 sq ft of lot area).
- Calculate Bonus Density. The allowable density bonus is based on the amount and affordability level of affordable housing provided.