Where is the Peacebringer in Just Cause 3?
Where is the Peacebringer in Just Cause 3?
Peacebringer Vintage 3 (40.652 N, 36.346 E) Found near the center of the large island. Peacebringer Vintage 4 (40.975 N, 36.535 E) Also found near the center of the large island. Peacebringer Vintage 5 (41.910 N, 37.068 E) Near the old ruins. Peacebringer Vintage 6 (42.428 N, 37.500 E) On the coast of the large island.
How do you unlock the Peacebringer in CS44?
Unlocked for Rebel drop once all “vintage part” collectables at Insula Dracon are collected.
Where is Carmen albatross Just Cause 3?
Located on the north side of the snow-covered mountain range in a small, dark rocky area below the large cliff. Congratulations — you are now the owner of the Vintage Carmen Albatross plane.
What is the best gun in Just Cause 3?
In either case these high powered weapons and vehicles are worth the trouble to add them to your inventory.
- UVK – 13.
- Capstone Hydra.
- Fire Leech.
- UPU-210 Grenade Launcher.
- CS110 Archangel.
- CS44 Peacebringer.
Where are all the vintage parts in Just Cause 3?
Vintage Part Locations
- Capite Est. Along the North-East shoreline, you can find this part under a tree.
- Capite West. Just a few hundred meters east of the runway at the military base, you’ll find this part up in the hills.
- Cauda.
- Costa Sud.
- Feno.
- Grande Pastura.
- Lacos.
- Lavanda.
What do rebel shrines do?
Lighting all 49 shrines in Medici will unlock unlimited free fast travel throughout all of Medici, even in areas like the Volcano and Boom Island, which aren’t in a specified region. Rebel Shrines appear as a small, blue roofed platform with multiple candles inside. To complete the shrine, Rico lights the candles.
Can you pick up Thor’s Hammer in Just Cause 3?
Land in the crater and walk over to the middle to find Thor’s hammer. Unfortunately, you can’t pick up the hammer. Too bad because smashing tanks with a superpowered hammer kinda fits with the general over-the-top tone of Just Cause 3.
Where do you unlock the U 7 Dravec?
The Rebellion. Unlocked for Rebel drop after liberating Vulture.
What do you get for lighting all the rebel shrines?
Rebel Shrines are a type of Collectable Items in Medici. Lighting all shrines in a region will unlock unlimited free Fast Travel in that region, regardless of whether you’re in a liberated province or not.
How many rebel shrines are there in Just Cause 3?
Just Cause 3 Rebel Shrines – All Locations There are 18 rebel shrines in Insula Fonte, 10 in Insula Dracon, and 21 in Insula Striate.