What is patient status on UB04?
What is patient status on UB04?
17. * Patient Status Enter the 2-digit patient status code that best describes the patient’s discharge status. 05-Discharged/transferred to another type of institution for inpatient care or referred for outpatient services to another institution. authority has certified all days billed.
What is patient status code?
A patient discharge status code is a two-digit code that identifies where the patient is at the conclusion of a health care facility encounter or at the end of a billing cycle (the ‘through’ date of a claim). …
What is a UB04 code?
This form, also known as the UB-04, is a uniform institutional provider bill suitable for use in billing multiple third party payers. Because it serves many payers, a particular payer may not need some data elements. The National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) maintains lists of approved coding for the form.
What is Box 38 on a UB04?
38 Responsible Party Name and Address Required This field is for reporting the name and address of the person responsible for the bill. 39 – 41 Value Codes and Amounts Conditional These fields contain the codes and related dollar amounts to identify the monetary data for processing claims.
What are value codes?
The code indicating a monetary condition which was used by the intermediary to process an institutional claim. The associated monetary value is in the claim value amount field (CLM_VAL_AMT).
What is status code 30 discharge?
Reserved for National Assignment. 30. Still a patient or expected to return for outpatient services-used when billing for LOA days or interim bills. It can be used for both IP or OP claims, for IP claims the claim needs to be greater than 60 days. 31-39.
What is status code in medical billing?
In simple language, Status codes indicates that the patient is either a carrier of a disease or has the sequelae or residual of a past disease or condition. A status code is informative, because the status may affect the course of treatment and its outcome. A status code is distinct from a history code.
What are condition codes for?
Currently, Condition Codes are designed to allow the collection of information related to the patient, particular services, service venue and billing parameters which impact the processing of an Institutional claim.
What services are billed on a UB04?
Who Can Bill Claims Using the UB-04?
- Community mental health centers.
- Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities.
- Critical access hospitals.
- End-stage renal disease facilities.
- Federally qualified health centers.
- Histocompatibility laboratories.
- Home health agencies.
- Hospices.
How many diagnosis codes can be reported on a UB04?
(Note the UB-40 allows for up to eighteen (18) diagnosis codes.) The HCFA-1500 (CMS 1500): is a medical claim form used by individual doctors & practice, nurses, and professionals including therapists, chiropractors and outpatient clinics. It is not typically hospital-oriented.
What are claim value codes?
Where to find patient status code on ub04 claim form?
The Patient Status Code (Form Locator 17 on the UB04 claim form) identifies patient status as of statement covers through date and is required on all Institutional Inpatient and Outpatient claim types. Electronically, the Patient Status Code is submitted in the 2300 CL103.
What is the Medicare UB 04 discharge status code?
Based on national guidelines for completing and submitting a UB-04 (or the electronic comparative) a provider must assign a Patient Discharge Status code which aligns with the type of bill (TOB) submitted. * All Hospice and Home Health Claims (TOBs 32X, 33X, 34X, 81X and 82X).
What does UB-04 stand for in health plan?
UB-04, Inpatient / Outpatient Hospital (inpatient and outpatient), hospice, home health, rural health clinic, federally qualified health center, and birthing center must bill on a UB-04. UB-04 Instructions The blocks divided into rows A, B, C reflect the following: A Primary Payer B Secondary Payer C Tertiary Payer
What are the patient status codes for hospitals?
The following patient status codes are accepted on claims submitted by inpatient hospital providers in most instances. Discharged/transferred to a short-term general hospital for inpatient care. Discharged/transferred to another type of institution not defined elsewhere in this code list. Discharged/transferred to court/law enforcement.