Does Oklahoma State University waive out-of-state tuition?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

Does Oklahoma State University waive out-of-state tuition?

Full waiver of out-of-state tuition for up to 5 years of undergraduate and some graduate study. Out-of-state students must pay the in-state portion of tuition and all fees.

Does OSU waive out-of-state tuition for Texas?

It’s a non-resident tuition waiver, not limited to Texas. The discount is graduated ($7k max), based on SAT scores. But it’s renewable each year only if the student earns 28 hours at OSU with a 3.0 GPA for the year.

What is the out-of-state tuition for OSU?

Local tuition 11,084 USD, Domestic tuition 32,061 USD (2019 – 20)
The Ohio State University/Undergraduate tuition and fees

Do Oklahoma state employees get free tuition?

STILLWATER – Oklahoma State University will offer a full undergraduate tuition waiver for children of school employees beginning this fall, according to the university’s human resources webpage.

Do Texas residents pay instate tuition OU?

As a state, tax-supported institution, the University gives preference in tuition pricing to residents of the State of Oklahoma. The University of Oklahoma does not participate in any in-state reciprocity agreement with bordering states.

How do you get out of state tuition waived at OU?

Visit and contact your OU representative. Over 40% of the students in last year’s freshman class graduated high school outside the state of Oklahoma. ($8,000 x 4 years) 31 ACT or 1360 SAT (or greater) & 3.75 GPA or top 10% class rank Partial tuition waiver over four years.

Do Texas residents get instate tuition at OU?

How much is instate tuition at OSU?


Billed expenses Ohio resident Nonresident
Tuition (includes instructional and general fees) Columbus: $11,936 Regional campus: $8,550 CFAES Wooster (ATI): $8,508 $35,019*
Room and board Columbus: $13,352** Regional campus: Varies^ CFAES Wooster (ATI): Varies^ $13,352**

Is there a tuition waiver for Oklahoma State University?

A five-year full tuition waiver and four-year cash award funded by the state. Limited number available. Qualifying criteria set annually by the State Regents in late fall. See OSU Institutional Nominee information and for details.

How are scholarships awarded at Oklahoma State University?

Scholarships are awarded based on a variety of factors such as academic achievement, major, talent, leadership, geographical location, field of study and/or financial need. Scholarships do not have to be repaid. Tuition waivers are reductions of the credit hour tuition (not fees) you are charged to attend OSU; they are not cash scholarships.

What are the requirements for a National Merit Scholarship at OSU?

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation determines requirements and eligibility. National Merit finalists must select OSU as their first choice. See and OSU National Merit information for details.

What do you need to get into Oklahoma State University?

Requires a minimum 3.75 GPA, a 27 ACT or 1260 SAT score and a strong record of leadership as indicated on the application for admission. A one-year cash award. Students serve on the President’s Leadership Council.

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