What are C18 reversed phase HPLC columns used for?
What are C18 reversed phase HPLC columns used for?
Thermo Scientific C18 columns are available with a range of characteristics to provide exceptional performance. These columns are broadly used in a wide variety of applications including pharmaceuticals, steroids, fatty acids, phthalates, environmental and more. They are the most retentive of the alkyl-bonded phases.
Which is the best C18 column for your application?
Want a C18 column that’s right for your application? Thermo Scientific C18 columns are available with a range of characteristics to provide exceptional performance. These columns are broadly used in a wide variety of applications including pharmaceuticals, steroids, fatty acids, phthalates, environmental and more.
What is the purpose of the C18 phase?
A general purpose C18 phase to use for a broad range of applications. Use this well-tested, dependable L1 as an alternative to older column brands commonly referenced in validated methods. Ensure consistent, predictable liquid chromatography (LC) separations of polar analytes. Maximize reproducibility and laboratory productivity.
How does the Agilent zorbax extend-c18 column work?
The Agilent ZORBAX Extend-C18 column uses a novel bidentate C18-C18 bonding technology to make it possible to develop high-resolution separations at high pH with a silica-based column. At high pH, non-charged basic compounds will not interact with the underlying silica.
Which is the best reversed phase LC column?
Reversed Phase HPLC Columns One of the most diversified reversed-phase LC column portfolios Reversed-phase LC is the most popular separation mode in liquid chromatography and can be used for a multitude of different separation tasks. To achieve the best separation results the right column choice is of utmost importance.
Which is the best column for UHPLC or HPLC?
Over the years Agilent has created one of the most diversified column portfolios. Columns are available in many different stationary phases to be used in UHPLC as well as HPLC and deliver exceptional performance together with outstanding lifetime and robustness. Reversed Phase HPLC Columns Reversed Phase HPLC Columns
When to use reversed phase LC in liquid chromatography?
Reversed-phase LC is the most popular separation mode in liquid chromatography and can be used for a multitude of different separation tasks. To achieve the best separation results the right column choice is of utmost importance.