Documentary Shows That You Must Watch This Year

Documentary shows are quite popular among all sections of people around. Some of them show the strange, unfamiliar and exotic side, whereas some make us feel new daily. If you are one of those who love to watch shows, especially the documentary ones, you are the luckiest as this blog contains a list of some of the most popular, and mind-blowing documentary shows that will make you feel good. You will love to watch them again and again. Here, bring a bucket of popcorn and check out the documentary shows here-
- Stories We Tell
It is one of the inviting films that were shown at the festivals in Toronto and New York. Sarah Polley wrote this documentary, and this story is structured like the mystery that traps the doors keep opening. This story turns the camera on the life of Polley, her family and her friends and their struggle to find the truth about their mother, who had cancer when Polley was 11 years old. As Polley was the youngest child in the family, she was curious and wants to know about the meaning of love, parenting, fidelity, marriage and meaning of fatherhood. It is a beautiful and cunningly structured movie that is not just greatly crafted; it is also haunted as Polley’s family history becomes a part frictional and the other part as recreational. This documentary is worthy of watching.
- The World according to Dick Cheney
The political lovers who love to visit the film festival will move to this film rather than watching Our Nixon as this movie is all about revisiting some of the most disastrous events of George W. Bush presidency and the documents passed between him and Dik Cheney. In this documentary, some parts are filled with an apology, and some part is too exposing. The documentary will be available soon on Showtime and Netflix.
- American Promise
The directors of this documentary are Michele Stephenson and Joe Brewster. This film was directed to keep in mind the story of their five-year-old son Idris when he got a chance to study at the prestigious Dalton School and the childhood friend Seun. This story is more about the raise questions about the frenetic life of the parents. In this story, you can see that one boy stays in Dalton, and the other one went to a black private school.
- The record-breaker
It is just a 25 minutes documentary which is not less than a feature film and more than a short film. It is said to be one of the funniest documentaries of the year. With too much affection and humour, this film circulates Keith Furman’s life, who is renamed Ashrita when he started to break records in the Guinness Book to honour and his Gurudev; Sri Chinmoy’s life is beautifully depicted in this story. In this film, you will see that Ashrita will catch the malt balls in his mouth and then catches the malt balls in the mouth while he is riding an elephant. The story is hilarious, and you will laugh loudly by watching this movie.
- Cutie and Boxer
The director of this shirt film is Zachary Heinzerling. The documentary released in the year 2012. The story of this film opens in New York, where you can see a Japanese artist, Ushio Shinohara is turning 80, and he is a reformed alcoholic. He also shares his apartment with his younger wife Noriko, who is also an artist. The relationship is full of ups and downs, and the story is illustrated both through the home videos and the shots of the couple and the adult son in the small messy apartment and studio. This documentary is a stylish way to represent a story so good. This movie is a tribute to marriage, love and the power of personal growth that lasted within the long-term relationship.
- Search
It is an HBO documentary film shown in May; Manhunt is not like the anti-Zero Dark Thirty as it is an alternative version of it. This documentary takes a long historical view. It focuses on the CIA’s 20 long-year searches for Osama Bin Laden when his messages first started to arrive via video to this death in 2011. This documentary has statements that most Americans do not hear about. Here in this show, two CIA agents are being shown; women played similar roles.
- Our Nixon
The director of this show is Penny Lane, and it was directed in the year 2013. Just imagine that you are a fly on the wall in the Nixon White House, and then what would you have seen around? This documentary answers this question by showing the recently available home videos made by Doug Chapin, John Ehrlichman and H.R Haldeman. Here, the viewers will not see a more nuanced and likeable Nixon, but you will see and hear him more intimately than before. It is one of the best documentaries to watch.
- A Will Or The Woods
The directors of this documentary are Amy Browne, Tony Hale, Bria Wilson and Jeremy Kaplan. This film is hard to see and also hard to take. This short film has the potential to affect not just the individual viewers but also the Americans. Here you can see that smart and articulate psychiatrist Clark Wang is dying due to lymphoma and arranging the green burial. There will be a grave that will be open and have a protected landscape to see his upcoming death and decay in the natural process. However, in the end, you will see that the burial will happen in a simple wooden coffin and a hand-filled grave that is topped by the natural layer of greenery in the patch of North Carolina woods that are protected part of the traditional cemetery that the committed woman runs in that area.
These are some of the documentaries shows that you must take this year. So, do not watch time and start your binge-watching today. You can now the chaos of the whole globe around.