How to Fix MS Office Issues in Windows 10

First Words:
MS Office is the most used document management and creation software for computer and smartphones. As you are using MS Office on your computer, you might face several issues while using it. In some of the cases, you might even face different errors before you can even save the document files. Don’t worry we have got you covered; we will provide you with an easy fix for several MS office issues in Windows 10. Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system, even most of the office versions are not completely compatible with this OS. This is one of the main reasons for most of the issues which you might face in MS Office.
Microsoft Office Issues and Fix in Windows 10:
These are several issues which most of the MS Office users are facing in the Windows 10 operating system. Read the issues carefully in this article and apply the solution in order to fix the issues. Remember that these issues and fixes are Windows 10 specific, and most of them do not apply for other Windows versions.
- Issue 1: Facing error while launching the Microsoft Office applications.
- MS Word showing error “Word experienced an error trying to open the file”
- MS Excel showing error “This file is corrupt and cannot be opened”
- MS PowerPoint showing error “The application was unable to start correctly”
- MS PowerPoint facing error “PowerPoint found a problem with ‘name of the file’”
- Error message in MS PowerPoint “Sorry, PowerPoint can’t read ‘name of the file’”
Fix 1:
The first thing you need to do is to update your MS Office application. We would recommend you to update the application individually in which you are facing the error. Follow this following method in order to update your office application.
- Launch the MS Word application on your computer.
- Go to the file tab in your word application.
- On the next page click on the accounts option and select the update options.
- Now you need to click on the update now button in order to update the MS Office applications.
Fix 2:
You can even fix the application using the command prompt in your computer.
- Launch the command prompt using the admin preference.
- Type this following command icacls “%programfiles%Microsoft Office 19” /grant *S-1-15-2-1:(OI)(CI)RX
- Press Enter and close the command prompt.
- Now launch the document which you are facing an error.
- Issue 2: Office documents downloaded from email attachment will not open.
This issue is one of the most common in MS Office documents after the device being upgraded to Windows 10.
Fix 1: Disable the protected view
- Open the MS Office application in which the downloaded file is supported.
- Now go to the files tab and click on the options.
- Open the next window no you need to select the trust center option.
- From there you need to click on the trust center settings button.
- After the next window opens after a click on the protected view option.
- Now you need to uncheck enable protected view for files originating from the internet checkbox.
Fix 2: Try by Reinstalling MS Office
The best way to fix this issue in case the Fix 1 is not working for you is by Reinstalling the MS Office. But first, you need to install the previous version of MS office from your computer.
- Open the control panel in your computer.
- Select the MS Office and click on the uninstall button.
- Wait for a few moments and let the MS Office completely uninstall from your computer.
- Now you can download Microsoft Office versions from softwarekeep by using your internet browser.
- After the MS Office being downloaded in your computer, install it using admin preference.
- Now apply the product key in order to activate the MS Office to make it function properly in your computer.
- After you have successfully installed and activated the MS Office software in your computer, try to open the file in which you are facing the error. Now you will easily able to open the downloaded document file using the appropriate Microsoft Office application.
Last Words:
As most of the devices are currently running on the latest Windows operating system, Windows 10. If you are using MS Office on your computer, then you might be facing several issues. In this article, we have tried to cover up most of the issues and fixes in Windows 10. We have gathered the complete information about MS Office issues and fixes from various uses and Microsoft community and posted them in this article for you for our website CrazySpeedTech. Share this useful article with other MS Office users in Windows 10, so that they get to you there MS Office issues in case they are facing them.