Lifeasapa operations, projects financing and awarding of grants

Who received a record grant from Lifeasapa
Before talking about the progress of Lifeasapa, let’s go deep into the development of artificial intelligence.
After all, what do we know about it? How did it so easily enter our daily life, where is the beginning?
Artificial intelligence development
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been one of the most controversial research areas in computer science since its first discovery in the 1950s. Defined as a part of computer science related to the system design that have characteristics associated with human intelligence – language comprehension, learning, reasoning, problem solving, etc. This area is controversial because of its social, ethical and philosophical consequences. These controversies have influenced the funding conditions for AI and the goals of many research programs.
AI research is being carried out by a number of scientists and technologists with different perspectives and interests. Scientists are generally interested in understanding the foundations of intelligence and cognition, some of them focus on unraveling the mysteries of human thinking, while others explore intelligence more broadly. Some try to create systems using techniques similar to those used by humans, while others use a range of techniques taken from areas such as information theory, electrical engineering, statistics, and automatic cognition.
Whether machines are able to think?
In the first half of the 20th century, science fiction presented the concept of robots with artificial intelligent. It all started with the “heartless” Tin Woodman from The Wizard of Oz.
By the 1950s, we had a generation of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers who had culturally assimilated the concept of artificial intelligence (or AI) into their minds. One such person was Alan Turing, a young British polymath who studied the mathematical possibilities of artificial intelligence. Turing suggested that humans use available information as well as their minds to solve problems and make decisions, so why can’t machines do the same? This was the logical basis in his Computing Machines and Intelligence paper (1950), in which he discussed how to build intelligent machines and how to test their intelligence.
But what prevented Turing from starting the work? First, computers had to be completely changed. Until 1949, computers lacked a key need for intelligence: they couldn’t store instructions, but only execute them. In other words, computers could receive the request what to do, but they couldn’t remember what they were doing. Second, the computation was extremely expensive. In the early 1950s, the cost of renting a computer was up to $ 200,000 a month. Only prestigious universities and big tech companies could afford to use them. Proof of concept, as well as support from high-ranking people, was needed to convince funding sources that artificial intelligence is worth developing.
The conference, which marked the beginning
Five years later, the proof of concept was pioneered by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon, a theorist of logic. The Logic Theorist is a program developed to simulate human problem solving skills and funded by the RAND. Many believe that this is the first artificial intelligence program, and it was presented at Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence (DSRPAI), organized by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky in 1956.
Unfortunately, the conference fell short of McCarthy’s expectations, people came and went away, and there was no way to agree on a standard method for this area. Despite this, everyone genuinely shared the view that AI was achievable. The significance of this event cannot be diminished, as it served as a catalyst for the next twenty years of AI research.
Artificial intelligence is everywhere
Now we live in the era of “big data”, in an era when we have the ability to collect huge amounts of information that is too unmanageable for human processing. The use of artificial intelligence has turned to be very fruitful in several areas such as technology, banking, marketing and entertainment.
Lifeasapa: development and operation
Lifeasapa is a leader among scientific projects supporting the idea of creating an ideal world. The best scientists of the organization are confident that financial support will help to implement the ideas and conduct researches in the field of medicine, sociology and economics.
Lifeasapa was founded on January 8, 2013 in the Seychelles. Initially, it was a private project, unknown to the masses. In 2016, the founders decided to make the organization’s activities public and available to everyone.
The public approach has increased the flow of funding and allowed holding competitions for a large grant for companies putting forward the newest ideas and projects.
Lifeasapa is open to everyone. Information about projects requiring funding is posted on the company’s website. New opportunities allow both a large company and individuals with a bank card to become a sponsor.
Funding for ideas and researches has been significantly increased thanks to an increase in donations, which sponsors can choose at their own discretion.
Battle for the largest grant: who became the winner
Several tens of thousands of participants applied for a grant. The apparent leader was Theneurosphere, which presented an artificial intelligence project.
The neural network created by scientists is capable of performing functions previously unavailable and working for the benefit of the mankind. Theneurosphere specialists managed to introduce into the neural network system the ability for independent learning, which allows it to carry out analysis and calculations, to take actions in new conditions. The development allows the neural network to adapt to all kinds of changes, while continuing to work without any failures and limitations.
Technical specialists highly appreciated and supported the work with neural networks. The organization Lifeasapa awarded a grant for the development of a new project called SYPWAI to the Theneurosphere team. The amount of the grant is enormous and amounts to $ 90 000 000.
Lifeasapa welcomes Theneurosphere company in its ranks and is confident that their project will make a huge contribution to the development of science and will be able to work in the future for the benefit of all mankind.