What is the opposite to aggravate?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is the opposite to aggravate?

Opposite of to annoy, irritate or exasperate (someone) soothe. calm. mollify. appease.

What is the opposite of pleasant?

Antonym of Pleasant

Word Antonym
Pleasant Awful
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the synonym meaning of Pleasant?

cordial, likable, sweet, cheerful, mild, bland, satisfying, amusing, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, amiable, polite, charming, congenial, gracious, enjoyable, lovely, refreshing, cool.

What is the synonym of aggravate?

bother, provoke, irritate, complicate, magnify, exaggerate, worsen, intensify, exacerbate, inflame, enhance, deepen, heighten, pester, needle, nag, exasperate, get, peeve, tease.

What is the opposite of being genuine?

This word is derived from the word “Genuine”, which means true and real. Disingenuous is just the opposite of genuine.

How do you describe a miserable person?

1 afflicted, broken-hearted, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, desolate, despondent, disconsolate, dismal, distressed, doleful, down, downcast, down in the dumps (informal) down in the mouth (informal) forlorn, gloomy, heartbroken, low, melancholy, mournful, sorrowful, unhappy, woebegone, wretched.

What is the full meaning of pleasant?

1 : having qualities that tend to give pleasure : agreeable a pleasant day. 2 : having or characterized by pleasing manners, behavior, or appearance. Other Words from pleasant Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About pleasant.

What are three synonyms strong?

synonyms for strong

  • big.
  • capable.
  • firm.
  • heavy.
  • secure.
  • solid.
  • tough.
  • vigorous.

What does it mean to aggravate someone?

: to make (an injury, problem, etc.) more serious or severe. : to make (someone) angry : to annoy or bother (someone)

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