5 essential steps for an effective digital transformation

Make it easier in energy, property inspection or maintenance
Despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, a record amount of companies have decided the time is right for digital transformation. Based on an assessment by IDC, around $1.3 trillion was spent across industries on DX in 2020. This represents a 10% increase on the previous year.
Only a few companies achieve their digital transformation goals
Due to such a large amount of money being spent, one would be surprised to hear the percentage of failed digital overhauls. According to a survey by McKinsey & Company, the overall success rate for these types of overhauls is somewhat low, as less than 30% of companies are completely successful when it comes down to crucial organizational changes. The numbers put out by Bain & Company were even worse. Based on their research from 2019, only 8% of global companies achieve their digital transformation goals. Therefore it pays to do it right.
Inspection software making it easier
One particular area in which it certainly pays to go digital is the inspection field. For example energy inspections going digital can streamline processes and make everyone’s lives easier. Also property maintenance is the next field, where it can be helpful. Having the right inspection software at your fingertips can make all the difference in the world, especially when it is fully customizable, easy to integrate, and quick to deploy.
How to avoid making the same mistakes as others
Organizations all over the world apply diverse strategies and processes with the aim of integrating useful technologies into their operations. Different companies require different solutions. With the right inspection software, paperwork can be reduced and staff’s time can be saved with customized and automated reports. This is also true for digital transformations in the manufacturing industry, as processes can be streamlined and efficiencies found.
Nevertheless, there are a number of fundamental reasons why digital transformations are so often more than challenging. These range from a lack of commitment from the company, to not actually having a grasp of what “digital” is.
Can the likelihood of a successful digital transformation be maximized? Looking at the data, a few hidden gems can be found. Here are the decisive requirements to bear in mind both before and during the process of deploying digital technologies company-wide.
5 rules to be mindful of undergoing digital transformation
1. Make sure the company’s leaders are behind it
This doesn’t only mean the CEO. Yes, he or she needs to be the strongest voice in support of the new approach, but success will be extremely hard-fought if key stakeholders are not totally on board. The advantages that digitalization will bring to the business must be clearly communicated.
If this fails to happen, the results will be mediocre at best, teams’ commitment to the goal will be doubtful, and strained relationships among managers may follow. On the other hand, when the leaders in the company throw their support behind digitization, you’re headed in the right direction. Remember – despite taking time to build, commitment is a deciding factor in long-term success.
2. Actively bring employees into the process
This step is the Achilles heel of most companies during this process. Most of the digitization takes place in the field, in the store, or the place where employees come into direct contact with customers. Therefore, the employees are the people who are really putting the digital into the operation. Ensuring that the end users of new tools and technologies understand what you’re doing and why is a key to a successful transformation. Determine metrics, make data-driven decisions, and measure and share the outcome. Doing this will help workers understand the advantages digitalization can bring about to make their lives easier. Provide them with the possibility to work in new and better ways.
3. Minimize the skill gap
During the process of working towards digitization from the ground up, you are bound to come across numerous different levels of required skills. Just remember that it’s a part of the transformation. Educate, train, and retrain both the current and future employees to smooth out the process.
Incorporate the concept of continuous learning into your company’s talent development strategy. Highlight the fact that the new technologies are not there to take their place. Additionally, make employees aware that this is their opportunity to advance their skills and reshape themselves to better fit the future business environment.
4. Start off with a pilot project
Take your time with it. It often happens that companies make too many changes in too short a time frame. This can leave people unconvinced of the project as a whole, leading to high costs and even failure. Put a focus on the particular systems and operations that need to be digitized. Put a pilot project into action. Assess its results and make the necessary changes. One part of the business at a time is sufficient. From there, after testing and adapting, the process can be expanded.
It is not uncommon that companies start out enthusiastically by putting significant effort and resources into pilot projects, but then fail to keep this up for the long term. Remember: the success of digital transformations calls for sustained attention and support.
5. Don’t let technology limit you
Obviously one of the most challenging choices in the transformation process is picking the right choice of technology, software, or devices. Make sure that whichever solution is deemed to be correct for your company doesn’t limit you by its inability to scale or be adapted specifically to your needs. Flexibility and customizability are two major aspects to look for, as being digital allows for and can help facilitate change and development. Give employees the possibility to experiment, and in doing so, promote new approaches to work.
What about the long term?
All around the world, companies continue to face the challenges of going through digital transformations. However, when done correctly, the result of all the hard work pays off and leads to growth in the long term. The market is constantly changing, and it’s important for your company to be prepared to meet whatever the market brings. Digital technology can empower you to do this.