What episode does Jake Ryan appear in Hannah Montana?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What episode does Jake Ryan appear in Hannah Montana?

New Kid in School

Jake Ryan
Series Information
First seen: New Kid in School
Last seen: It’s The End Of Jake As We Know It
Portrayer: Cody Linley

How many episodes is Jack Ryan in Hannah Montana?

ten episodes
Most recently, Linley appeared in ten episodes of Hannah Montana as Jake Ryan, alongside Miley Cyrus.

Why did Miley choose Jake?

In “He Could Be The One”, Miley chooses Jake over Jesse (her guitarist) because they have so much history and she believes he could be the one. They then officially start dating. It was unknown whether they were still together or not because Jake had never been seen or mentioned since the episode “He could be the one”.

How old was Miley Stewart when her mom died?

Susan died at about 34 when Miley was 10, due to a terminal illness.

How old is Jake Ryan from Hannah Montana?

Leslie “Jake” Ryan (born April 3, 1990) is a famous actor, who is capable of attracting many girls’ attention due to his fame. However, when Miley is the only girl at Seaview Middle School who is not interested in him and his fame, he decides to chase after her instead.

Why did Miley and Jake break up on Hannah Montana?

They tried to date and Miley even told Jake of her “Hannah secret”. However, Jake’s celebrity attitude annoyed Miley and the two broke up. In the third season, Miley tried to stop Jake from marrying Traci, only to find out that she’d been “Gotcha’d”. Miley went so far as to kiss Jake to prove that she didn’t feel anything for him.

What happens at the end of Hannah Montana?

They eventually tell Miley’s father of their relationship, but even when he accepts it, their relationship faces another hardship as Miley crushes on her fellow guitarist. At the end of the episode, Miley realizes she loves Jake more and reaffirms her relationship with him.

Who was Hannah Montana’s guest on Zombie High?

Miley gets asked to the dance by Jake Ryan and Hannah Montana makes a guest appearance on Zombie High as Zerronda the zombie princess also Robbie ray and Jackson try to out prank each other. Check out our editors’ picks for the movies and shows we’re excited about this month, like Mortal Kombat, ” Them ,” and Stowaway.

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