Is the UK National Lottery asking for your details?
Is the UK National Lottery asking for your details?
The UK National Lottery does NOT ask for any Player information like name, address or bank details on an email. If the email says ‘Winning Notification’ or ‘Lottery Sweep Stake’ in the text, the email you’ve received is definitely not from UK National Lottery;
When was the National Lottery established in the UK?
The National Lottery is the state- franchised national lottery established in 1994 in the United Kingdom. It is operated by Camelot Group, to which the licence was granted in 1994, 2001 and again in 2007, and regulated by the Gambling Commission .
Who is the manager of the British lottery?
YOU HAVE WON THE BRITISH LOTTERY ” – “Lotto manager”, “MR. STEVE OWEN” Barrister Louis Cox Esq, Dispatch Agents Mr. Gary Smith Jnr. and Mr Williams Diver at FRONTIER FORWARDING SERVICES L.T.D .
How much money has been raised by the National Lottery?
National Lottery Projects Since The National Lottery began in 1994 over 625,000 good causes have been supported with over £42 billion raised by players of The National Lottery (figures sourced from the Department for Culture, Media & Sport. – November 2020). Around £30 million raised weekly is an average based on April 2019 – March 2020.
How to send a National Lottery notification email?
When the real UK National Lottery sends an email to your for OTHER reasons (never a winning notification) they use only the following email addresses: 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 3 [email protected] 4 [email protected] 5 [email protected] More
What is UK Lottery International claiming security number?
UK LOTTERY INTERNATIONAL CLAIMING SECURITY AGENCY. YOUR SECURITY FILE NUMBER IS W-91237-H67/B4 (keep personal). You are Required to forward the following details to help facilitate the Processing of your claims and certificate which will facilitate the Release of your winnings.