Wie selbst Ohrloch stechen?

Wie selbst Ohrloch stechen? Halte einen festen, sauberen Gegenstand hinter das Ohrläppchen, in das du das Ohrloch stechen willst. Ziehe die Haut an deinem Ohrläppchen etwas auseinander und stich dann das Ohrloch. Nach dem Stechen unbedingt einen medizinischen Ohrstecker aus Chirurgenstahl verwenden. Ist es gefährlich wenn man sich selber Ohrlöcher Read more…

What is a Canyon Dancer?

What is a Canyon Dancer? The Canyon Dancer Bar Harness 2 solves the problem of transporting your motorcycle safely. The Bar Harness gives you a place to attach your tie-downs that won’t scratch your paint or interfere with the bodywork. Quick to install, the cups are made to fit over Read more…

What is Alexa traffic rank?

What is Alexa traffic rank? Definition: Alexa Rank is a third party marketing tool that estimates website traffic. Alexa rankings are a composite between how many people are estimated to have visited the site and how many pages have been viewed. Alexa Rankings are most accurate for websites with an Read more…