What does vich mean?

What does vich mean? Women customarily take their husband’s surname at marriage, although not always. The middle name is patronymic, created by using the child’s father’s name with the suffix “vich” or “ovich” for boys, and “avna” or “ovna” for girls. This means ‘son of’ and ‘daughter of’. What does Read more…

How many flags has Portugal had?

How many flags has Portugal had? Portugal is a rare case of vexilological and heraldic stability: since independence in 1143, it had only 14 different flags (counting as different flags also differences in the coat of arms), and merely 5 different patterns (square white with blue cross, either solid or Read more…

Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen Betriebswirtschaft und Volkswirtschaft?

Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen Betriebswirtschaft und Volkswirtschaft? Die Betriebswirtschaft (BWL) setzt sich mit Sachverhalten und Abläufen innerhalb eines Unternehmens auseinander. Die Volkswirtschaft (VWL) beschäftigt sich mit gesamtwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen. Die BWL unterstützt Unternehmen in allen innerbetrieblichen Angelegenheiten. Was ist Betriebswirtschaft einfach erklärt? Die Betriebswirtschaftslehre ist eine Teildisziplin der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Read more…

Is LeFort safe?

Is LeFort safe? Overall, the LeFort 1 osteotomy is a common, predictable, and safe orthognathic intervention with reliable long-term results. What causes relapse after jaw surgery? 1- Dental relapse, when there is a change in the position of the teeth after surgery — this type of recurrence is the most Read more…

Which type of workers are in India?

Which type of workers are in India? The five main employment types are: Permanent or fixed-term employees. Casual employees. Apprentices or trainees — employees. Employment agency staff — also called labour-hire. Contractors and sub-contractors — hired staff. How many types of workers are there in India? In the urban areas, Read more…