What is alpha cellulose pulp?

What is alpha cellulose pulp? Alpha Cellulose is the building blocks of wood pulp; it is made up of multiple sugar molecules bonded together to form a chain. To create different finishes within the paper surface, occasionally Alpha Cellulose fibres are combined with other materials, such as cotton linters. What Read more…

How do you say wrath UK?

How do you say wrath UK? Break ‘wrath’ down into sounds: [RAWTH] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them….Below is the UK transcription for ‘wrath’: Modern IPA: róːθ Traditional IPA: rɔːθ 1 syllable: “RAWTH” Is it wrath or wrath? Oxford says ‘wrath’ Read more…

Why does fluoride inhibit enolase?

Why does fluoride inhibit enolase? The results rather indicate, (1) that fluoride inhibits enolase by binding directly to the protein moiety of the enzyme in the presence of phosphate, and (2) that fluoride inhibition without phosphate, needing much higher concentrations, probably is caused by another mechanism, such as a bind- Read more…