What is the meaning of the taste of her cherry ChapStick?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

What is the meaning of the taste of her cherry ChapStick?

While you might’ve thought it’s simply about a girl exploring her fluid sexuality by giving a woman a peck on the lips, it turns out Perry was talking about some VERY different lips! Permission denied. In case you haven’t sussed by now, “cherry chapstick” is actually a euphemism for a lady’s coin purse.

Does Cherry ChapStick taste good?

It’s the same as the regular ChapStick we all know and love. The only difference is this isn’t nearly as waxy and bland tasting as the yellow kind. Cherry ChapStick smells insanely good and gives you a kind of menthol-y flavor on your lips. It tastes good, and keeps your lips very soft and protected.

Is Cherry ChapStick good for your lips?

When used as directed, ChapStick® Classic Cherry lip balm will help heal dry lips, help prevent chapped lips and help keep your lips feeling silky smooth. It’s perfect to wear as a base under lipstick or all by itself!

What does Chapstick mean in LGBT?

In contrast to the more famous descriptor, “lipstick lesbian,” which is often used by or assigned to more feminine appearing-LGBTQIA+ women, some women in the LGBTQIA+ community have adopted and embraced another phrase, “Chapstick lesbian.” This represents their connection to a particular masculine-leaning aesthetic …

Does Cherry Chapstick make your lips red?

Pros of Chapstick Classic Cherry Lip Balm: Long-lasting result. Has a slight red colour. Imparts glossiness. Affordable.

Is Whale Sperm in chapstick?

No whale sperm, nor any whale product, is used in lip balm. Nor is any other creature’s sperm for that matter. In the past, and to a small extent still today, ambergris, a waxy substance found in the intestines of sperm whales, was and is used in the production of certain perfumes.

Does Cherry ChapStick make your lips red?

Is ChapStick good for your lips?

Lip balm may feel soothing on chapped lips. But it can also turn into a bad habit that’s hard to break. “Applying lip balm soothes your lips, feels good and can be very comforting. That can lead to an unconscious habit that helps with stress or anxiety — kind of like twirling your hair or biting your nails.”

What’s a ChapStick girl?

What is a blue jean femme?

Blue jeans lesbians are a subset of femme (or feminine) women who prefer to wear jeans. Hence the name. These casual gals are generally known for preferring comfortable clothing but still leaning toward the stereotypically girly side. You won’t find blue jean femmes in skirts or dresses, that’s for sure.

Why is Carmex bad?

Carmex has many irritating ingredients that can cause inflammation. Phenol and menthol which also can cause the lip to peel. Camex contains Salicylic acid which dries out your lips and causes peeling, phenol and menthol which also can cause the lip to peel.

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