What words have a consonant blend?
What words have a consonant blend?
Examples of Words with Consonant Blends. Now that you have a firm grasp on what consonant blends actually are, let’s look at some examples of commonly used and heard words that use them. Blend, bland, blue, black, blanket, bleach, blood, blast, blatant, blame, bluebird, bleak, blaze, blind, block .
What are some rules about consonant blends?
Combinations of consonants that produce consonant blends must reside in the same syllable. Furthermore, the blends can be placed in any syllable within the word, although blends are generally located in the first syllable of the word, known as initial consonant word blends, or in the last syllable in the word, known as final consonant word blends.
What are some examples of initial consonant clusters?
INITIAL CLUSTERS Initial two-consonant clusters are of two sorts in English 1. One sort is composed of /s/ followed by one of a small set of consonants; examples of such clusters are found in words such as ‘sting’ /stɪŋ/, ‘sway’ /sweɪ/ , ‘smoke’ /sməʊk/.
What is an example of a consonant blend?
The consonants that make up a consonant blend cannot be separated by any vowels, and the effect is that the sound of each given consonant in the blend is produced but so quickly that the sounds combine and blend together in a smooth manner. Examples of consonant blends include the “bl” in blossom; the “tr” in track;
What is a beginning blend?
Beginning Blends are Blends that are located in the beginning of a word. Blends (Digraphs) are two letters that are united when voiced together, these letters either produce one sound, or when they are together only produce a combination of two sounds.
What is initial blend?
Blends are usually composed of two or three consonants and can begin or end a syllable or word. Consonant blends that appear at the beginning of a word, are referred to as Initial Consonant Blends or beginning blends, and those that appear at the end of a word are referred toas Final Consonant Blends or end blends. Initial consonant word blends:
What is a blended consonant?
Consonant blends are groups of two or three consonants that are placed beside each other within a word. The consonants that make up a consonant blend cannot be separated by any vowels, and the effect is that the sound of each given consonant in the blend is produced but so quickly that the sounds combine and blend together in a smooth manner.