Is there anything wrong with the city of Nanaimo zoning?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

Is there anything wrong with the city of Nanaimo zoning?

The Use Index* is a companion document to the City of Nanaimo’s Zoning Bylaw 2011 NO. 4500. The document below will assist you in determining which uses are permitted within a zone: *The Use Index may not always be up to date. To confirm that a use is permitted within a zone, please contact Planning staff. Is there anything wrong with this page?

What are part 6 general regulations in Nanaimo?

Part 6 General Regulations contains information on required watercourse setbacks, accessory building allowances, secondary suites, fence height, short-term rentals, home-based businesses, and more. Have you heard about What’s Building In My Neighbourhood? track the application process.

Where are R6 zoning districts in New York City?

R6. R6 zoning districts are widely mapped in built-up, medium-density areas in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx. The character of R6 districts can range from neighborhoods with a diverse mix of building types and heights to large-scale “tower in the park” developments such as Ravenswood in Queens and Homecrest in Brooklyn.

How to apply for a subdivision in Nanaimo?

Subdivision: Email [email protected] to arrange for application submission. Sign Permit Applications: Email your complete application to [email protected]. Electronic submission is preferred. However, hard-copies of plans, applications and other documents can be accepted as follows:

How many dwellings per acre in Nanaimo BC?

Current zoning is AR2 which is possibly allowed to 22 dwellings ( 2 dwellings per 2.47 acres) in current zoning; however, great potential to rezone the land to multiple family zoning with much higher density usage. (23660449) Get a taste for the neighbourhood where this listing is located.

How to contact Legislative Services Department Nanaimo?

Questions about the collection of your personal information may be referred to the Legislative Services Department at (250) 755-4405, or via email at [email protected] . Missed Collection? Electrified. Alternatively Powered.

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