How can I check my PF balance?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How can I check my PF balance?

To check your EPF balance, you need to send “EPFOHO UAN LAN” to 7738299899 as an SMS from your registered mobile number. Do not include the quotation marks in the SMS. Once the SMS is successfully sent, you will immediately receive an SMS containing information about your EPF account including your EPF account balance.

How can I claim my PF online?

EPF Withdrawal Online Procedure

  1. Step 1- Sign in to the UAN Member Portal with your UAN and Password.
  2. Step 2- From the top menu bar, click on the ‘Online Services’ tab and select ‘Claim (Form-31, 19 & 10C)’ from the drop-down menu.
  3. Step 3- Member Details will be displayed on the screen.

How can check PF balance by SMS?

Every EPFO member has an universal account number (UAN), and they can send an SMS to “EPFOHO UAN ENG” to 7738299899 from their registered mobile number. After the SMS is successfully sent, they will receive a message containing information about EPF account including your PF account balance.

How can I check my UAN?

2. Finding your UAN on the website:

  1. Log on to the UAN portal.
  2. Click on the ‘Know your UAN Status’ tab.
  3. Next, you will be asked to either enter basic details such as your Aadhaar number, PAN number, etc. or fill in a form based on your PF number/member ID (you can ask your employer for these details)

Can I withdraw full PF amount?

An individual’s PF amount can be withdrawn either completely or partially. To withdraw said amount completely, the individual needs to be either retired or be unemployed for a period of more than two months. Upon which, the amount can be withdrawn pending an attestation from a gazetted office.

What is the number to check PF balance?

Members registered on the UAN portal may get their details available with EPFO by giving a missed call to 011-22901406 from their registered Mobile number. If the UAN of the member is seeded with any one of the Bank A/C number, AADHAAR and PAN the member will get details of last contribution and PF Balance.

How can I check my UAN number online?

Steps to know your UAN number

  1. Step 1 : Go to
  2. Step 2 : Click on the know your UAN status link as shown below.
  3. Step 4 : Click on “Get Authorization Pin” to get the authorization pin to your mobile number.

How to check a PF account balance online?

Individuals should ensure that they have activated the internet banking facilities for their linked bank account.

  • They will then have to log in to the PPF account portal of their respective bank using their username and password.
  • they will find the details related to their PPF account and savings accounts.
  • How do I Check my PF account?

    How To Check Your PF Account Balance/Passbook. EPFO on its website has prominently displayed the link to check e-passbook. It can be found at the top right corner of the website. Click on the e-passbook link. (A snapshot of EPFO website) This will take you to a webpage where you need to key in your UAN id and password.

    What is PF account balance?

    The PF balance is an indicator of your savings at the time of retirement. The Employees Provident Fund Balance amount comprises the amount which is deducted every month from your monthly salary. It also comprises the amount which is contributed to your EPF account by your employer.

    What is PF account?

    Public Provident Fund account or the PPF account is a scheme that was introduced the Government of India in the year 1986. This scheme states that any citizen of India is free to contribute to the scheme through which the person can claim an income tax rebate.

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