How do you use QUCS?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How do you use QUCS?

You can also end a wire without pressing on an open port or on a wire: Just double-click the left mouse button. Last but not least, you must label the node where you want Qucs to caculate the voltage. Press on the label toolbar button (or use the menu: Insert->Wire Label). Now click on the chosen wire.

How to install Qucs S?

If binary packages are not available for your distrubution, then you will need to build Qucs-S from source:

  1. Install all necessary dependencies: Qt, C++ compilers, etc.
  2. Install desired simulation backends: Ngspice, XYCE, SpiceOpus.
  3. Download and unpack tarball.
  4. Use CMake to compile.
  5. Invoke make and make install.

How does Spice simulation work?

The SPICE engine analyzes circuits based on the Kirchhoff’s current or voltage law. It assigns nodes to a circuit and attempts to solve the current and voltage values at the respective nodes. The SPICE simulator first generates nodal equations in the matrix format before solving them to obtain the values.

What is FreeHDL?

FreeHDL is used by Qucs for digital simulation. Qucs is a circuit simulator with graphical user interface. Qucs aims to support all kinds of circuit simulation types, e.g. DC, AC, S-parameter, Transient, Noise and Harmonic Balance analysis. It is available from

What are SPICE models?

SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) is an electrical simulation tool that allows circuit designers the ability to test designs prior to potentially costly prototyping. These models will work with any text-based SPICE system, including PSPICE, LTSPICE, and other SPICE variants.

What is meant by SPICE simulation?

SPICE Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis (SPICE) SPICE is a computer simulation and modeling program used by engineers to mathematically predict the behavior of electronics circuits. However, SPICE is generally used to predict the behavior of low to mid frequency (DC to around 100MHz) circuits.

Is the Qucs simulator compatible with the SPICE model?

Qucs intentionally uses its own SPICE incompatible simulation kernel Qucsator. It has advanced RF and AC domain simulation features, but most of the existing industrial SPICE models are incompatible with it.

What are some examples of Qucs and Ngspice?

Voltage and current probe examples. Qucs netlist generated by Qucs-S for the 7.2.12 probe example circuit. Ngspice netlist generated by Qucs-S for the 7.2.12 probe example circuit. 1.

How is Qucs-S Xyce generated netlist different from SPICE OPUS?

The Qucs-S Xyce generated netlist has a different structure to the conventional SPICE 3f5 format adopted by Ngspice and SPICE OPUS. Voltage controlled switch (S) – Qucs relay component. Diode (D). BJT npn (Qucs T, Ngspice, Xyce and SPICE OPUS Q).

What does Qucs mean in integrated circuit simulator?

Qucs is an integrated circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit. After that simulation has finished you can view the simulation results on a presentation page or window.

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