Can you advertise alcohol on social media in Australia?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

Can you advertise alcohol on social media in Australia?

The Australian alcohol beverages industry adheres to one of the world’s strongest regulatory codes covering all marketing, including social media and sponsorship. Australian alcohol advertising meets community expectations.

Can you advertise alcohol on Facebook in Australia?

We have ‘age restriction tools’: Facebook “Anyone advertising on our platforms must comply with our policies along with all local laws and codes, such as those restricting the advertising of alcohol to minors in Australia,” it said.

Are alcohol brands allowed to advertise?

In India, extensive surveys resulted in similar findings which showed that liquor ads had direct influence on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Soon afterwards, the Cable TV Regulation Act banned liquor and cigarette advertisements; thus, India gradually adopted surrogate advertisements.

Are you allowed to advertise alcohol on TV?

Ads for alcoholic drinks must not feature, imply, condone or encourage irresponsible or immoderate drinking. This guidance offers advice on how TV ads can avoid breaking that general rule and other rules in the alcohol section of the BCAP Code that address specific kinds of behaviour.

Are alcohol ads allowed on TV in Australia?

Alcohol ads on TV As a TV broadcaster, you can show alcohol ads on commercial TV and SBS TV between: 12 pm and 3 pm on school days. 8:30 pm and 5 am on any day.

Is it bad to post alcohol on social media?

The alcohol-related things you share, post, and like on social media could be contributing to unhealthy drinking behaviors in yourself… and others. Researchers found there was a direct correlation between alcohol-related social-media engagement and alcohol use and abuse.

Is alcohol advertising allowed on Facebook?

While Facebook will not allow the advertising of alcohol and other age-inappropriate content to people under 18, it does not prevent advertisers from targeting children determined by Facebook’s profile to have an interest in alcohol, for advertising that might not appear explicitly to be about those topics.

How do I advertise alcohol on Facebook?

Here are some guidelines:

  1. General Rule: What can be printed legally to promote alcohol also can be posted on Facebook.
  2. Pair Beverage with Food: Post a picture of an appetizer/entree and a beverage.
  3. Show Off: Post an invite visitors to extol the virtues of the Margarita and invite them to become fans at the same time!

What are the 5 M’s of advertising?

5 m’s of advertising includes Mission, Money, Message, Media, and Measurement.

Is alcohol advertising banned in Australia?

As a TV broadcaster, you can show alcohol ads on commercial TV and SBS TV between: 12 pm and 3 pm on school days. 8:30 pm and 5 am on any day.

Is advertising alcohol banned?

The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has banned 12 liquor companies from using surrogate advertising to market their products. ASCI started receiving complaints of alcohol brands airing ‘surrogate’ ads during the Indian Premier League (IPL) last year (2020).

What’s the system for alcohol advertising in Australia?

Australia has a co-regulatory system for alcohol advertising. Guidelines have been negotiated with government, consumer complaints are handled independently, but all costs are borne by industry. All alcohol complaints are lodged with Ad Standards.

How is the alcohol industry regulated in Australia?

The Australian alcohol beverages industry adheres to one of the world’s strongest regulatory codes covering all marketing, including social media and sponsorship. Australian alcohol advertising meets community expectations. The Advertising Standard Bureau reports that alcohol advertising makes up only 1.3% of all advertising complaints.

When do you have to show alcohol ads on TV?

The alcohol advertising rules are in the: ABAC Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code. As a TV broadcaster, you can show alcohol ads on commercial TV and SBS TV between: 8:30 pm and 5 am on any day. You can show alcohol ads during sports programs on public holidays and weekends starting from 6 pm Friday.

What is the ABAC code for alcohol marketing?

ABAC Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code (ABAC) Concerns raised about situations or suggestions encouraging the excess or unsafe consumption of alcohol are considered by the Ad Standards Community Panel under Section 2.6 of the AANA Code of Ethics (health and safety).

Categories: Helpful tips