What is toggle case?
What is toggle case?
ToggleCase is text that is converted to mixed case version of the text. For instance, the word “dictionary” could be converted into “dIctIOnAry”.
What is an example of toggle case?
Answer. It reverses the case of each letter within the selection. For example, light switches that turn a light on or off are toggle switches. With title case you capitalise the first letter of each word.
What is toggle case give an example?
To capitalize all of the letters, click UPPERCASE. To capitalize the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase, click Capitalize Each Word. To shift between two case views (for example, to shift between Capitalize Each Word and the opposite, cAPITALIZE eACH wORD), click tOGGLE cASE.
Where is toggle case used?
Lower case (also “lowercase”) is commonly used in online chat and text messaging since it provides a faster way to type messages. Toggle case is commonly used to modify the appearance of a handle or online identity, such as an eSports player name.
What is the purpose of a toggle?
English Language Learners Definition of toggle computers : a setting that can be switched between two different options by pressing a single key, making a single choice from a menu, etc. computers : to switch between two options by pressing a single key, making a single choice from a menu, etc.
What will be the effect of toggle case?
Sentence case will capitalize the first word;lowercase will change all letters in the selection to lowercase;Upper case changes all letters to uppercase;Capitalize Each Words makes each new word within the selection start with an uppercase letter; and TOGGLE cASE reverses the case of each letter within the selection.
What is the difference between toggle case and sentence case?
Sentence case will capitalize the first word; lowercase will change all letters in the selection to lowercase; UPPERCASE changes all letters to uppercase; tOGGLE cASE reverses the case of each letter within the selection.