How do you care for an arrowhead vine?

Published by Charlie Davidson on

How do you care for an arrowhead vine?

Arrowhead Plant

  1. General Care.
  2. Sunlight. Medium to bright light.
  3. Water. Allow soil to dry out halfway between waterings.
  4. Humidity. Tolerates average home humidity.
  5. Temperature. Average home temperature of 65°F-75°F.
  6. Size. Grows to a lush 15”.
  7. Common Problems. SYMPTOM: Leaves appear pale or yellowed.
  8. Precautions.

Is Arrowhead Vine indoor plant?

Although it may be grown outdoors in some regions, the arrowhead plant (Syngonium podophyllum) is typically grown as a houseplant. The arrowhead plant can be grown alone or in a mixed planting for additional interest.

Can arrowhead vine grow outside?

Its leaves can vary in hue depending on their age, ranging from dark green and white to lime green and bright pink. Arrowhead vine is only viable outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12, so in most locations in the United States, it is grown year-round as a houseplant.

Where do I put my arrowhead plant?

Your Arrowhead Plant prefers temperatures between 65-80 degrees during the day and above 60 degrees at night. Your Arrowhead Plant will do well in higher humidity environments especially during the winter. Mist the plant daily or place its container on a tray filled with pebbles and water to increase the humidity.

Do arrowhead plants like coffee grounds?

Do indoor plants like coffee grounds? Yes! Coffee grounds can be especially beneficial to houseplants when used as a mulch, pesticide, compost, or fertilizer.

Does arrowhead plant purify air?

Excellent Air Purifier This beautiful plant is not just eye-candy but also has the quality to clean the indoor air you breathe! Syngonium can remove VOCs such as formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene. The plant has also been approved as an air purifier by researchers at NASA.

Are arrowhead plants toxic to dogs?

Yes, arrowhead plants are toxic to cats and dogs, so keep them far away from your furry friends! Botanical name: Syngonium species The most common species are Syngonium podophyllum, Syngonium macrophyllum.. Other common names: White butterfly, Arrowhead vine.

How often should I put coffee grounds on my plants?

Just don’t add too many at once, because the acidity could bother your worms. A cup or so of grounds per week for a small worm bin is perfect. In addition to using coffee grounds in your worm bin, earthworms in your soil will also be more attracted to your garden when you use them mixed with the soil as fertilizer.

Can arrowhead plants live in water?

Just like lucky bamboo, Growing Arrowhead Plant in Water is possible easily! This low-maintenance plant can also be grown successfully without soil.

Is Arrowhead plant toxic to humans?

The unique leaves and color patterns of the arrowhead plant make them a popular and appealing indoor plant. Unfortunately, the side effects of their sap is dangerous for both humans and pets. Also known as the goosefoot plant, their sap’s toxic elements can lead to skin irritation and vomiting.

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