What is SEVIS I-901 fee?

What is SEVIS I-901 fee? $350 Fee Amounts Description Amount I-901 SEVIS Fee F or M visa applicants (full payment) $350 I-901 SEVIS Fee J visa applicants (full payment) $220 I-901 SEVIS Fee special J-visa categories (subsidized payment) $35 I-901 SEVIS Fee government visitor (no payment) $0 What is the Read more…

What are examples of lithotrophs?

What are examples of lithotrophs? Examples of lithotrophs include iron-oxidizing bacteria that metabolize reduced iron to oxidized iron, purple sulfur bacteria that transform sulfide into sulfur, nitrifying bacteria that use ammonia and convert it into nitrite or use nitrite to produce nitrate, hydrogen bacteria that oxidize hydrogen to water, and Read more…

Do missiles use GPS?

Do missiles use GPS? The use of GPS can provide significant improvements to the accuracy of ballistic missiles. Moreover, by reducing the need for precise alignment of the inertial measurement unit (IMU) prior to launch, the use of GPS can significantly reduce the time and effort required for prelaunch preparation Read more…