Apa doa wudhu membasuh muka?

Apa doa wudhu membasuh muka? “Nawaitul wudhuu-a lirof’il hadatsil ashghori fardhon lillahi ta’aalaa.” Arti dari bacaan niat wudhu di atas yaitu, “Aku niat berwudhu untuk menghilangkan hadast kecil fardhu karena Allah Ta’ala.” Niat wudhu dibaca saat membasuh seluruh wajah. Apa Doa Membasuh tangan? Saat membasuh tangan kiri Artinya : “Ya Read more…

What is the assay in HPLC?

What is the assay in HPLC? In summary, High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Analysis is an analytical chemistry technique to separate, detect, and quantitate different drugs and metabolites within various formulations, vehicles, and biological matrices. What is HPLC used to test for? High-performance liquid chromatography or high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) is Read more…