What does Mossed on mean?

What does Mossed on mean? NFL Throwback on Twitter: “Moss: (verb) to make a jaw-dropping, defender-humiliating catch, typically of the jump-ball variety. What does it mean when you get Mossed in football? 2 play in ESPN’s “You Got Mossed” segment in its Monday Night Football pregame coverage. The name is Read more…

What are complications associated with catheterization?

What are complications associated with catheterization? Indwelling urethral catheterization (ID) has various complications including UTI, urethral trauma and bleeding, urethritis, fistula, bladder neck incompetence, sphincter erosion, bladder stones, bladder cancer, and allergy. What are three complications of catheterization? This article discusses some of the common complications that can occur with Read more…

Come strutturare una denuncia?

Come strutturare una denuncia? Atto di denuncia/querela Io sottoscritto, _____________, nato il ___________ a ___________, ivi residente in __________, col presente atto sporgo formale denuncia/querela contro per i fatti di seguito esposti. Cosa succede dopo una denuncia civile? A seguito della denuncia, la notizia di reato va comunicata alla Procura Read more…